The Best Rihanna Hairstyles So Far
Rihanna is a girl who loves to play with clothes and makeup and gets experimental with her look quite often. This of course includes her infamous hairstyles and colors that change almost as fast as her wardrobe. From sultry to edgy she’s done it all and we love to wait and watch for her next new thing. Here are some of our favorite hairstyles and cuts from Rihanna. Maybe your favorite will be here as well.
Rihanna’s red hair color got a lot of women to try out new and unnaturally fun colors in their hair. But simply getting a dye job wasn’t enough for her. She also changed up the style constantly going from up to down, long to short and glam to grunge. We were kept on our toes and she was having fun.
It takes a confident woman to pull of short hair and she has it down to an art form. She started with a longer bob with super long bangs that she wore in a choppy fashion. Then she mixed it up by wearing her hair in curls. Finally she kept cutting away at it until she ended up with a short bob. What she basically did was try out every bob style there was and we loved each and every one of them.
We just mentioned that Rihanna started off with a longer bob and kept cutting it down to size. What she ended up with was a short cut that was inspired by a men’s cut. We love the ‘just got out of bed look’ on her.
Normally the pop star wears her locks straight but there were a few times that she let her hair down in a gorgeous cascade of curls. It gave her a younger and more innocent look. We haven’t seen her in curls in a while and would love to see her in them again.
Do you remember Rihanna way back when she started in 2005? She did rock super long hair? A lot of us tend to forget that she ever wore her hair below shoulder length because we’re so used to seeing her with short haircuts. However we couldn’t finish this post without remembering her when she was just getting started.
We can’t wait to see what Rihanna has in store for us next.
Thumbnail picture courtesy of PR Photos.
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