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Stawberry Beauty Worth Checking Out

Strawberries are packed with vitamins, folic acid, antioxidants and salicylic acid so they’re absolutely amazing for your skin and hair. In a nutshell what all of these nutritional values mean is that by eating strawberries or using them to make beauty products you can give your skin a healthy looking glow, create a natural gentle […]

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Strawberry Mask

Using just a couple of ingredients you can make a strawberry face mask at home that will give you great results. After just one treatment you’ll be amazed at how well these delicious fruits work to give your skin a healthy looking glow. Don’t believe us, try out a strawberry mask for yourself and see […]

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Spa Treatments At Home

Treating yourself to a day at the spa can feel relaxing and soothing. However the cost  can get pretty steep and sometimes for one reason or another we simply don’t have the time to head over to our favorite spa. These are the times when you can put aside a little time for yourself and […]

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Avocado Face Masks For Dry Skin

The avocado is one of the most nourishing fruits that will benefit your body on the inside and out. It’s even stronger when you mix it with other natural ingredients that you can find in your pantry to make a homemade avocado face mask. If you have dry skin or if you just want to […]

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How To Treat Oily Skin

Oily skin can be caused by genetics, hormones, improper skincare and smoking cigarettes. It can cause your face to look greasy and in the long run you may feel uncomfortable and maybe even self-conscious about your looks. But there’s no reason that you can’t fix or at least improve your condition. Here are some skincare […]

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