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5 Sudden Hair Loss Causes

It can be really rough when you suddenly notice that your beautiful head of hair is thinning out. Sudden hair loss can be a stressful situation for both men and women and cause all sorts of stress, decline in confidence and holes in your wallet. If you’re wondering why you may be experiencing this problem, […]

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Frizzy Hair Remedies

Summer is approaching and along with a great tan, you may be experiencing frizzy hair. Frizz can ruin any look, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be managed. Here are some tips on how to tame frizzy hair: Controlling frizzy hair starts with how often you wash your hair. Be sure to shampoo your […]

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How To Get Healthy Hair

You probably already know that your hair is one of your greatest physical assets. Having beautiful hair can get you lots of attention and compliments. On the other hand, overstyling or abusing your hair can make your hair look and feel course, unhealthy and dull. Here are some silky hair tips to help you look […]

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How To Get Long Hair

Want beautiful long hair that you can run your fingers through? Check out our tips for growing long hair. Get a haircut. The very first thing that you should do is get rid of the damaged hair and dead ends that you have so go to your stylist and get a trim. Use moisturizing shampoos […]

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Is It A Good Idea To Cut Your Own Hair?

Today’s article comes from one of our instructors at our Orlando hair school. We’ve had many people come to our school looking for stylish haircuts and we don’t mind this, by any means. Many people, however, have come to us in a state of panic: they tried to cut their own hair. Now, in the […]

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